해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Threadmill 500 Thread Count Twin-XL Size 3 Pc Luxury Cotton Bed Sheet Set, Jacquard Floria Dark Grey, Breathable Sheets with 15" Elasticized Deep Pocket, 1 Pillowcase & Free Tote Bag

상품번호 B08V1RLFK9
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상품가격 $54.99
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100% PURE COTTON & JACQUARD WEAVE FOR ULTIMATE SOFTNESS & BREATHABILITY: Made using extra-long staple cotton yarns, our 500 thread count sheet set is the perfect combination of smoothness, breathability, and durability. Detailed with a designer hemstitch, these jacquard sheets offer divine softness and modern style at a perfectly reasonable price. The lightweight bedding provides absolute comfort from night sweats, keeping you cool during summers and cozy during winters.DEEP POCKET WITH ALL-AROUND ELASTIC FOR A SNUG FIT: Indulge in the luxurious feel of our 3 piece Twin XL sheet set which includes 1 flat sheet (66" W x 102" L), 1 fitted sheet (39" W x 80" L + 15" deep pocket) and 1 Standard pillowcase (20" W x 30" L). The elasticized bottom sheet has a sizable deep pocket, making it perfect for both tall and pillow-top mattresses. Pull, tuck, and relax - its snug fit ensures the bedsheet stays intact while you enjoy a deep slumber.PREMIUM QUALITY & EASY TO CARE BEDDING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Each sheet is expertly woven together to ensure no pilling, fade-resistance, and long-lasting strength. The extra long staple cotton yarns ensure there are no loose fibers after regular washes. We recommend machine washing the sheets at room temperature and tumble dry on low to accentuate their superior softness and avoid shrinkage. To avoid wrinkles, remove the bed linens immediately after drying and fold them neatly until next use.IDEAL GIFT & BRILLIANT ADDITION TO YOUR HOME LINENS: Feel the luxurious texture of a higher thread count sheet with our 500 thread count hotel-style bed set. Light, pastel, or dark, the use of high-quality dyes gives all our bed sheets a brilliant color that compliments every room’s decor. Its elegant look and lustrous shine offer the feel of royale bedding, making it the best gift choice for all your loved ones - mother, father, husband, wife, or kids.CERTIFIED & SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES WITH 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: We take pride in making some of the world’s finest linens while respecting the environment. Our products and practices are free from harmful chemicals, earning the OEKO TEX certification. All these premium sheets are manufactured in wind and solar energy powered factory. They are packed in a reusable cotton tote bag and delivered with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, giving you exceptional customer service.

2024-10-01 23:12:34

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