해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SUMARPO Triathlon Wetsuit 4/2mm, Yamamoto Smoothskin Neoprene Skinsuits for Open Water Swimming, ECO-Based, Fina & Ironman & USAT Approved

상품번호 B08V85JHKS
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상품가격 $330.00
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Yamamoto 100% Limestone NeopreneImportedSuitable for All Levels: SUMARPO RACE triathlon wesuit is Fina & Ironman & USAT approved. Extensive slipskin inner lining achieves lightning fast donning and off, improve transition times for swimmers in triathlon competition.Graduated Buoyancy: This triathlon wesuit different thickness on different parts allow for a natural range of motion in the swim stroke for faster, smoother swimming with less effort and the entire front and wraps uses 4mm Yamamoto SCS neoprene for a superior buoyancy.Maximum Speed: GSP system on the sleeves improve grip in the water, Yamamoto #39 SCS coating with low resistance(0.32〜0.021 cdf) reduces the surface resistance and germinates a faster speed through the water, SUMARPO long sleeves triathlon wesuit is your essential equipment to win in a triathlon.Excellent Flexibility: The concept of low modulus is proposed by SUMARPO for the first time in the field of triathlon. Using low modular technology(LMT) can reduce physical consumption and improve the efficiency of swim stroke. By adopting the LMT tested hundreds of times, 2mm Yamamoto neoprene panels with the 580% highly flexible SQ flex inner liner in the arms and shoulders, making you swimming without limitation100% Satisfaction Guarantee: When you try SUMARPO neoprene triathlon wetsuit, please first read the instructions to avoid damage caused by improper wearing. If any problems, keep the wetsuit in its original condition and all the accessories in the box, and you will enjoy a 30-days unconditional refund, 24 hours customer service.

2024-11-27 18:13:22

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