해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Douglas Miffy Medium Classic White Bunny Rabbit Plush Stuffed Animal, 24 months and up

상품번호 B08V9CZX67
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상품가격 $21.60
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Featuring a pure white plush coat and a seated pose, our plush rendition of Miffy the Bunny is instantly recognizable and highly huggable. Durable materials and soft polyester fill make Miffy an appealing stuffed animal that will hold up to a lifetime of love and adventure.His seated design combined with an alert expression and accurate details make Miffy irresistibly appealing and emotionally engaging. Miffy\'s 10" size makes this little rabbit ideal for snuggly story time fun.Designed in Keene, New Hampshire, U.S.A. by Douglas Cuddle Toys, makers of fine plush toys for over 60 years.Measures 10" (25 cm) long.Safe for all ages over 24 months, surface washable.
Celebrate over 65 years of fun and adventure with our Miffy the white Bunny stuffed animal! This cuddly storybook character has been crafted in velvety soft plush materials and resilient polyester fill. Give her an affectionate squeeze and she\'ll bounce back again and again. Two upright ears and little black eyes with a crisscross mouth lend Miffy her authentic storybook appearance. A seated pose and an alert expression will encourage her fans to engage and interact with her. Always there for a comforting hug, Miffy the white Bunny loves sharing affection and adventure!

2025-01-09 11:39:53

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