해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Luxurious Czech Stone Crystal Ball Stud Earrings Set for Women (Large Set)

상품번호 B08VNHWDK3
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
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상품가격 $25.99
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Depending on how the product is measured, there may be errors size (Error range: +-0.5cm) Due to the properties of the Jewelry product, weight error may be occurred Depending on the brightness and resolution of your PC/mobile. If orders cannot be satisfied due to lack of material supply or crafting is impossible, customers may be informed of order cancellation. Products removed from packaging and used products cannot be exchanged/refunded Minimal scratches, color, tone, sizes, etc. Are not reasonable causes for exchange/refunds Defective products can be refunded according to the Consumer dispute resolution standards Be sure to wipe the foreign substances with a soft cloth and store them in a case or storage box Be careful about storage from discoloration by direct sunlight Do not wear the product while bathing, sleeping or exercising Do not wear in excessively cold, high, and humid places. This will cause damage to the product (Shower, Sauna, Swimming pool, sea water, ski resort)

2024-10-31 14:41:06

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