해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
(XZ2020-3) CCijiNG Brooches for Women with Crystal, Pink Flower, Rhinestone Brooches Pins Elegant Jewelry Blossom Fashionable Gifts Ladies Bouquet Brooches Pin for Birthday, Party, New Year, Wedding

상품번호 B08VRGR9HN
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
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상품가격 $48.99
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CCijiNG is committed to designing chic jewelry, cost-effective exquisite flower brooch. Every elegant and beautiful woman must have dresses and accessories brooches to set off their beauty and elegance; The brooch is not only a piece of jewelry, but also a link between clothes and another jewelry; The beautiful flower brooch can reflect your elegant and noble temperament, allowing you to stand out from the crowd; Including: 1*flower brooch with gift box. Material: Crystal (or sea shell)+14K real gold-plated copper. Gifts: Very suitable for gifts, as gifts for female friends on Christmas, Valentine\'s Day, Mother\'s Day, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.; The general gold plating time on the market will cause the problem of fading or discoloration after a long time. We use the real 14k gold electroplating process, and the fading or discoloration will occur at least 2-3 years in the bare air. If it is well maintained, the time will last longer; if you like it, then buy it. No reason to return and exchange goods, to solve your worries.

2024-02-13 09:53:27

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