해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MeMoi 2-Pack High Waisted Shapewear for Women Tummy Control - Seamless Thigh & Body Shaper Shorts Underwear

상품번호 B08VWJLHB1
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상품가격 $14.95
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Give Your Outfits a Confidence Boost High-Waist Thigh Shaper from MeMoi Keep out any unwanted bulges from your silhouette when you put on our high waist shapewear for women tummy control underwear! Designed to give you maximum comfort and support, it also has our shaping technology that smooths out your midsection, upholds your bum for a lifted appearance, and shapes your upper thighs. Made from 90% soft Nylon fabric material and 10% Spandex, this MeMoi shapewear is sure to give you breathable comfort even if you have to wear it for long hours. For a Smoother Silhouette Its overall design helps you achieve a contoured and flattering look, especially if you need to put on form-fitting dresses, skirts, and trousers. The seamless high-waisted construction ensures that you get the support you need without being visible through your stylish ensembles, while the stretchy material still gives you ease of movement throughout the day. Universally Flattering Cut This 2-pack MeMoi thigh shapewear is available in a wide range of neutral colors and sizes to complement your preference. Each pack has two colors included: Gray Heather & Black, Mocha & Black, and Black & Nude. You can also get a pack that\'s both in Black and Nude colors. We also made it available for every body shape out there! It\'s available in Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, 1X-Large, 2X-Large, 3X-Large, 4X-Large, and 5X-Large sizes. Click \'Add to Cart\' now and show up with more confidence when you have our thigh shaper underneath your fashionable getups!

2024-02-13 09:31:10

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