해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pelican Rope 16-Strand 1/2 in (12.7 mm) Arborist-16™ Rope - 7000 lbs MBS - Static Climbing Rope - Rescue Operations - High Visibility - 120 ft - Sewn Eye - Blue/White - Made in The USA

상품번호 B08W2QPHLZ
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상품가격 $139.98
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CLIMBING & RESCUE ROPE – A dependable arborist climbing rope designed by Pelican Rope, the most trusted name in rope. Built from 100% polyester strands, this high strength, low-flex cord can handle the heavy loads and friction that tree work requires. The Pelican Arborist Rope features a tough, braided polyester cover & a non-rotational nylon braided core, best for tree cutters or climbing fixed lines with ascenders and hauling loads.POLYESTER COVER – Polyester has the least stretch and flexibility among the common synthetic rope materials and won’t sag, slip, or distort under exertion. The synthetic fibers are built to handle excessive friction without tearing or fraying.HIGH TENSILE STRENGTH – Our arborist climbing ropes have a tested tensile strength of 7,150, but reduces with the addition of a spliced eye at one end to 5,400 pounds pounds ensuring you have a rope that can meet any of your project needs. The tightly-woven 16-strand construction with a high twist core of torque-balanced polyester keeps the line firm and round, providing an extra measure of performance.DIAMETER & LENGTH – Choose between pre-cut lengths of 120 feet, 150 feet, or 200 feet rope hanks with the option of adding a spliced eye to one end. Standard rope diameter thickness options: 1/2 inch. Available rope colors: Red/White/Blue, Orange/White, Blue/White, or Red/White. The braided filament polyester core keeps the rope firm and flexible even after extensive work use.PLEASE NOTE: This product is not a toy. This product is not suitable for children.100% GUARANTEE – Pelican Rope is an certified manufacturer of high performance rope products. For over 40 years we have devoted countless hours into innovation, quality & customer service. Dependability is our hallmark; exceptional value is our everyday standard.

2024-11-30 08:31:54

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