해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Funko POP! Games: Gotham Knights - Nightwing - Batman - Collectable Vinyl Figure - Gift Idea - Official Merchandise - for Kids & Adults - Video Games Fans - Model Figure for Collectors and Display

상품번호 B08WBT7FV2
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Collectible Toys
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상품가격 $10.69
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IDEAL COLLECTIBLE SIZE - At approximately 3.75 inches (9.5 cm) tall, this vinyl mini figurine complements other collectable merchandise and fits perfectly in your display case or on your desk.PREMIUM VINYL MATERIAL - Made from high-quality, durable vinyl, this collectible is built to last and withstand daily wear, ensuring long-lasting enjoyment for fans and collectors alike.PERFECT GIFT FOR GOTHAM KNIGHTS FANS - Ideal for holidays, birthdays, or special occasions and as a present this exclusive figurine is a must-have addition to any Gotham Knights merchandise collectionEXPAND YOUR COLLECTION - Add this unique Nightwing vinyl display piece to your growing assortment of Funko Pop! figures, and seek out other rare and exclusive collectible items for a complete setLEADING POP CULTURE BRAND - Trust in the expertise of Funko, the premier creator of pop culture merchandise that includes vinyl figures, action figures, plush, apparel, board games, and more.
Darkness has fallen over Gotham following Batman\'s passing, and it\'s up to you to assemble the Gotham Knights. Enlist the help of Pop! Nightwing to help uncover The Court of Owls in your DC collection. Vinyl figure is approximately 4.32-inches tall.

2025-02-05 11:49:34

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