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Dry & Dry (NET 2.5 LBS) Color Indicating Premium Silica Gel Flower Drying Desiccant - Flower Drying Silica Gel Desiccant(2.5 LBS Reusable) Silica Gel

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상품가격 $15.99
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[PURE, SAFE, AND NON-TOXIC]. 100 % Pure & Safe White silica gel powder & Indicating Orange Powder. Indicating Orange silica gel beads will change to Dark Green when 50-60% absorbed with moisture; Still almost half more capacity is left to absorb moisture even after color change; Orange beads are free of cobalt chloride[ULTIMATE FLOWER DRYING AGENT] Flowers can be dried in 2-5 days. Maintains Natural Colors. Preserves Texture. Preserve Elegant Memories and Capture Beauty of Drying flowers with our Drying Flower Silica Gel[RECHARGEABLE] Silica gel can be Reactivated by Placing in the Oven for 0.5-2 hours at 200-250F Or Microwave for About 10 Minutes at DEFROST; Don\'t use over 250F in the Oven; Depending on the beads\' condition, they may take shorter than the recommended time. Spread silica gel in a thin layer on a shallow baking pan.[BIG CONTAINER FOR EASY USE] Beads are stored in Airtight Sealed BIG JUG for Easy Use, Long-term Preservation & Protection. Packaging Jugs are made in the USA[WARRANTY INFORMATION] Our products are supported with new replacement or full refund with no time limits if they don’t work. [Made in the USA from imported materials]

2024-05-16 16:04:58

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