해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Masthome Index Chopping Board Set, 4-Pieces Plastic Cutting Boards with Food Icons and Storage Stand, BPA Free, Dishwasher Safe, Professional Chopping Board Set for Kitchen, Extra 1 Scissors

상품번호 B08X65849Q
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상품가격 $34.89
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Definite Index Label: This product contains four cutting boards. On one side of each cutting board, there is a label with food pattern as index, which is seafood, cooked food, meat and vegetables or fruits. Separate processing of different ingredients is more in line with the healthy lifestyle.Food Grade Materials: Our chopping board is made of materials that are absolutely safe for food. The chopping board has no peculiar smell and will not destroy the flavor of the food. It is Durable, not easy to leave scratches on the surface. No damage to your cutlery and knives.Great Experience: The size of the chopping board is 22*32 cm. The cutting boards can be used on both sides. Non-slip feet on corners of the base can grip on any type of countertop.Easy Storage: The chopper board is equipped with a holder for storage. There are four independent grooves on the stand. The 4 cutting boards could be inserted into the base vertically. It can keep the cutting board dry and air permeable, which is conducive to prolong the service life.Good Kitchen Helper: After using the cutting board, they can be neatly stacked together, and will not occupy too much storage space in your kitchen. You can easily put it in a drawer or cabinet.

2025-01-08 13:33:59

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