해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Infant Master Doorway Jumper, Durable Bumper Jumper w/Adjustable Height, Funny Baby Doorway Swing Bouncer w/Seat Bag, Popular Gift for Infant & Toddler, Portable and Free Installation, Pink

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상품가격 $59.99
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STURDY TOY TO PLAY - Our sturdy door frame clamp provides a secure fit into doorways. The spring and strap is made of durable steel and polyester.The well designed seat bag can firmly supports baby\'s spine, ensuring correct, upright posture during bouncing. Suitable for baby who can support their head unaided and be willing to walk.The door bouncer can be used by baby under 24 months or 35 lbs.MULTIPLE BENEFITS FOR INFANT AND PARENTS - We care your baby like you do. Infant master create this baby doorway swing jumper to help babys burn out excess energy and develop their walking skills. This baby jumper makes baby stay health and sleep better at night, which is a good way for both parent-child interaction.BOUNCE WITH EASE AND COMFORT -This door bouncer features with adjustable strap and skin-friendly seat bag, which makes your baby easy to use and have more fun. The max height is 6ft. The breathable seat bag can be remove for washing by hands or machine.CONVENIENT FOR HOME OR TRAVEL - Easy to set up without tools, open the clip and fix it on the doorway (4-12" thickness). This bumper jumper design fold-able and portable structure and weighs 3lbs, which is easily store in mom\'s bag or suitcase. Brings baby more fun whenever you go.ONE YEAR WARRANTY-We care about the satisfaction from you and aim at provide great value product to you. Infant Master is committed to provide a 12 months warranty and premium customer service to you and your family. ATTENTION: Please wash the seat bag before use. Never leave your baby alone in the jumper.

2024-09-30 22:35:11

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