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Live International Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada 26th Jan 1970

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Elvis Presley, live from the International Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas 26th January 1970 From 1969 through 1976, Elvis Presley performed 641 stage shows during 15 engagements at the International/Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas. The entertainment press widely covered his opening Vegas appearance in August 1969, and RCA issued a live album spotlighting his return to the concert stage. Fuelled by a subsequent host of recordings, photos, and books through the years, those initial engagements still resonate loudly as a turning point in Presley’s career. The backing of the TCB Band was also undeniably fundamental throughout these performances and in enforcing the physical and emotional power of Elvis Presley, live in Las Vegas. Rox Vox very proudly presents, live from the Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas on 26th January 1970; the legend, the king of rock ‘n’ roll; Elvis Aaron Presley. Professionally re-mastered original PBS-TV broadcast with background liners and rare archival photos. Side One 1. All Shook Up 2:33 2. That’s All Right 2:49 3. Proud Mary 2:55 4. Don’t Cry Daddy 3:00 5. (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear > Don’t Be Cruel (Medley) 2:24 6. Long Tall Sally 1:50 7. Let It Be Me 3:54 8. I Can’t Stop Loving You 2:49 9. Walk A Mile In My Shoes 2:49 10. In The Ghetto 3:30 Side Two 1. True Love Travels On A Gravel Road 3:45 2. Sweet Caroline 4:02 3. Polk Salad Annie 5:12 4. Band Intros 2:31 5. Kentucky Rain 3:19 6. Suspicious Minds 6:27 7. Can’t Help Falling In Love 1:57

2024-07-10 20:15:02

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