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FixtureDisplays® Wood Carving Chisel Set, Professional Wood Carving Tools, 12 Pieces with Carrying Case 16970NEW-NPF

상품번호 B08XVV7VY4
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상품가격 $22.13
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Fixture Displays Wood Carving Chisel Set, Professional Wood Carving Tools, 12 pieces with Carrying Case. All Knives that a beginner needs to fall in love with wood carving. This 12 different shape size set is the perfect starter gift. Small, safe and stays sharp enough until the beginner graduates to more professional tools with great value.Well Made from premium carbon steel and razor sharp blade, perfect general wood carving projects with stencils and patterns, touching up antique furniture, any miniature or micro models, box or animals, such as eagles, fish, bears or even elephants. Enough variety of the tips in different 12 sizes-deep gouge, medium gouge, shallow gouge, narrow straight chisel, wide straight chisel, rounded chisel, 4 angled knives / chisels, parting tool, pinpoint tool.Great for beginners whether it\'s kids or adults. Wooden handles (3.9" long) are well made and sturdy with smooth handing for comfortable grip, your hand will not blister for a long time, the blade are tightly into the handle and will not worry it snap off.We know that wood carving is not just a hobby, but a passion that can last a lifetime. All tools have been inspected for quality and packaged for stores. Assorted tip shapes & sizes. Overall length: 7-7/8". Comes organized in a black pouch. Weight: 2 lbs.
FixtureDisplays Wood Carving Chisel Set, Professional Wood Carving Tools, 12 pieces with Carrying Case 16970NEW-NPF

2025-01-09 11:12:58

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