해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
IGI Certified 1/4 to 3 Carat Round Brilliant Cut Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Pendant Necklace for Women I 14k Gold Necklace (G-H, VS1-VS2, cttw) I 18 Inch Chain Necklace

상품번호 B08YP5QCLY
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상품가격 $649.00
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The IGI Certified 0.25 Carat Brilliant Cut Lab Grown Diamond Round Solitaire Pendant Necklace for Women, elegantly crafted by Carbon Atelier, is a timeless piece of jewelry that radiates simplicity and sophistication. The pendant is set in 14k Gold, a luxuriously warm metal that adds a feminine and contemporary touch to the design. The focal point of this necklace is a lab-grown diamond with a total weight of 0.25 carats. Lab-grown diamonds are an ethical and eco-friendly alternative to traditional mined diamonds, possessing the same chemical, physical, and optical properties, but created in a controlled environment. This particular diamond is graded G-H in color, meaning it has a nearly colorless appearance with a subtle hint of warmth. Its clarity is VS1-VS2, signifying very slight inclusions that are difficult to see even under 10x magnification, ensuring a breathtaking sparkle that doesn\'t compromise on quality. The round solitaire pendant design highlights the brilliance of the diamond, creating a stunning effect that captures the light beautifully. This design is a classic choice in fine jewelry, symbolizing elegance and simplicity. The pendant is securely fastened with a lobster claw clasp, a widely preferred and reliable choice for fine jewelry. This clasp ensures that the necklace stays securely around your neck, while also being easy to fasten and unfasten. The International Gemological Institute (IGI) certification attests to the quality and authenticity of the lab-grown diamond, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your purchase. Carbon Atelier is known for creating innovative and unique jewelry that marries traditional craftsmanship with modern technology. This IGI Certified 0.25 Carat Brilliant Cut Lab Grown Diamond Round Solitaire Pendant Necklace is a testament to their expertise, making it a perfect gift for a loved one or a luxurious addition to your own jewelry collection.

2024-11-27 19:05:56

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