해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Men's Slim Fit Short/Long raglan Sleeve Active Workout Running Hiking Baseball Tee Shirts

상품번호 B08Z41R8CP
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상품가격 $19.99
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Drawing Inspiration From Both Sides Of The Globe, Estepoba Brand Clothing Is A Passion Drived Clash Of Stylish Meets Heavy Quality Concern. Designed With Influence From All Over The World, The Combinations Of Fashion And Quality Are Evident In The Bold. We Refuse To Compromise, That\'s Why We Created Estepoba. Our Aim Is To Empower The Heavy Quality Weight Clothes To Be Loud, Be Heard, Create Their Fate, And Think Global. What Destiny Aligns, No One Can Break, We Will Be Written In The Star. Estepoba Brand Clothing Always Dedicated To Develop High Quality Material And Committed To Create Apparel With Innovative Design. This Long Sleeve Tee Shirt Was Made Out Of A Premium Cotton/Poly Blend With Our New Upgraded Knitting Technology To Provide A Breathable And Soft Wearability. The Material Helps You Feel Comfortable And Ready All Day Long. To Keep Up With Your Active Fashionable Lifestyle We Designed The Raglan Sleeves And Fine Rib Collar In Contrast Color. Flexible Rib Collar Structured With High-Quality Sewing Craftmanship Helps To Fit Your Body Better. Tagless Designed Overall For Comfy Wearability, Versatile For All Casual And Outdoor Active Sports, Work, Training, Baseball, Running, Hiking, Lounge, Gym And Etc. We Have Made A Detailed Sizing Chart Below For You To Review, Please Pick The Proper Size For You. Detailed Size Chart (Inch) Small: ---------Front Length:27.875--------Chest:39-------Shoulder:17.25------Sleeve Length:26.25 Medium: --------Front Length:29------------Chest:42-------Shoulder:18---------Sleeve Length:26.75 Large: ---------Front Length:30.125--------Chest:45-------Shoulder:18.75------Sleeve Length:27.25 X-Large: -------Front Length:31.25---------Chest:48-------Shoulder:19.5-------Sleeve Length:28.125 XX-Large: ------Front Length:32.375--------Chest:51-------Shoulder:20.25------Sleeve Length:29

2024-05-15 16:15:23

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