해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Happybuy Gray Marine Carpet 6 ft x 13.1 ft Boat Carpet Rugs Indoor Outdoor Rugs for Patio Deck Anti-Slide TPR Water-Proof Back Cut Outdoor Marine Carpeting Easy Clean Outdoor Carpet Roll

상품번호 B08Z7SLMZ9
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상품가격 $84.54
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Premium Marine Carpet: Color: Gray; Size: 6 x 13 ft (1.8 x 4 m); Carpet Thickness: 0.18 in (4.6 mm); Covering Area: 78 sq.ft (7.2 m²). Upgraded polyester fiber ensures our advanced marine carpet remains durable for years to come. Note: Our gray carpet contains a little blue fiber. Therefore, it looks blue under the bright; it looks gray when the light is not particularly good.Non-slide Surface: Ribbed texture on the surface will add friction. With 0.17 in (4.5 mm) low pile height, this boat carpet not only avoids sliding but also keeps a soft feeling even when you walk on your bare feet.Water-proof Back: The backing of the outdoor carpet roll adopts soft rubber material, efficiently prevents water penetration, and doesn\'t scratch the floor. Thus, you no longer need to worry about corrosion after long-term use.Effortless Cleaning & Installation: Stubborn stains can be quickly cleaned with a vacuum machine. Thanks to its only 0.18 in(4.6 mm) thickness, you can easily cut the bass boat carpet into any shape to fit any space with scissors or utility knives, and then use glue to finish the installation.Indoor & Outdoor Use: Ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, patios, porches, decks, boats, sun-rooms, basements, garages, etc. Our soft boat carpeting becomes a necessity for your daily decorations.

2024-09-05 11:29:52

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