해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Masonry Chisel With Hand Guard, 12 inches Heavy Duty Flat End Rock Concrete Mortar Stone Chisel for Demolishing Carving Splitting Breaking Hounding

상품번호 B08ZCG6HVK
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: Genubi Industry
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $8.99
상품가격 상세보기

? Sharpened and thickened flat end made of heat treated chrome-vanadium steel CRV steel(better than high carbon steel ). With high hardness, high strength, high durability, and resists rust and corrosion.? The soft handguard with ergonomic design, it can help protect from oversrtike and anti-slip, shock-absorb. The comfortable grip and big plate hand protection against glancing blows or missed hits.? Shock-absorb soft rubber cover handle is non-slip. Easy to do heavy duty works and get precise cut.? Applicable for metalworking and masonry, Ideal for cutting and splitting hard stone, brick, concrete and more. Length: 12 in (30 cm); blade width: 0.9 in (2.2 cm); weight: 1.49 lb (0.67 kg) .? After sale: Genubi Industry guarantees the best quality and service. Your satisfaction is our priority. Contact us FIRSTLY if you have any problem about our masonry chisel, we will provide the most satisfactory solution for you.

2025-01-07 02:52:06

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