해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dimora Foam Dressing, Sterile Non-Adhesive Hydrophilic Pads, Highly Absorbent 4"x4"(10 cm*10 cm) Pack of 10 Square Waterproof Dressing for Wound Care

상품번호 B08ZHZS1W6
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상품가격 $16.99
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High absorbability: Dimora Foam Dressing can absorb lots of exudate from the wound and prevent it from infiltrating the surrounding skin and causing impregnation problems. It can absorb exudation up to 15 times its own weight, reducing the frequency of dressing changesAccelerate healing: The top waterproof layer of the foam dressing can effectively isolate external liquids and prevent the wound from being infected; Provides a clean and moist healing environment to accelerate wound healingSterile individually packaged: Each dressings are manufactured and individually packaged in sterile facilities. Latex-free dressing. Easy to apply, it is a must-have home first aid kitEasy to cut: The foam dressing is easy to cut into various shapes to match the treatment of wounds on different parts of the bodyApplication: Foam dressing without border designed for a wide range of moderate to highly exuding wounds such as leg and foot ulcers, pressure ulcers and traumatic wounds, can be used for second degree burns, donor sites, postoperative wounds and skin abrasions

2024-09-05 03:55:08

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