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Electric Tankless Water Heater, ECOTOUCH 14kW Instant Hot Water Heater on Demand 240V Point of Use Hot Water Heater Self-Modulation ECO140B Black

상품번호 B08ZSPM3HK
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상품가격 $219.99
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【INSTANT & SUFFICIENT HOT WATER】 With real powerful 14kW smart heating system, the tankless hot water heater electric ECO140B supplies sufficient instant and endless hot water of 120℉ or higher in seconds, no waiting for preheating nor terrible temp fluctuation during shower time any more and no worry of running out of it. Perfect companion for small apartment use, including shower, sink faucets, dishwasher, washing machine, etc.【SELF MODULATION INSTANT WATER HEATER】The electric on demand tankless hot water heater ECO140B adjusts exact power input based on current flow rate and temp setting. For example, less power will be consumed by the smart water heater when you reduce water flow, thus, you get ideal temperature instead of scalding hot, which ensures comfortable experience and excellent energy efficiency. Also, optimal energy efficiency of 98% saves considerable electric charge for you.【CONVENIENT USE】The electric tankless water heater 14kW comes with digital display & touch control panel so temp setting is easy job. Best of all, useful information on the screen helps you get full understanding of the working status of the 240V water heater tankless, you needn’t go through hard lesson of setting. Now turn on the faucet and let the smart instant hot water heater do the rest.【SAFE and DURABLE】Newly updated and applied with multiple protections, such as leakage protection, over heating protection and auto stop,every piece electric tankless water heater ECO140B goes through strict tests to ensure 100% safety and it is listed by ETL and qualifies for UL. Inner water and electricity lines are designed to run separately so as to avoid leakage risk and scale build up. You can expect outstanding performance for years to come.【POINT of USE WATER HEATER】The sleek tankless water heater ECO140B is compact as shoes box, making it possible to install anywhere point of use to avoid waste, ideal for shower, kitchen, bar, school and hair salon. Please verify it is the right size for you: 14kW at 240V(only); dimensions 11.14" (W) x 15.87" (H) x 3.46" (D); plumbing connections :1/2" NPT. In order to install 14kW Tankless Water Heater it would requires 240 Voltage, 1X60AMP Double Pole Breaker and 1X6AWG/2 wires with Grounding.

2024-07-11 11:26:38

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