해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Silicone Cooking Utensils Set, E-far 14-Piece Gray Kitchen Utensils Set with Holder, Kitchen Tools Spatulas with Stainless Steel Handle for Non-stick Cookware, Heat Resistant & Dishwasher safe

상품번호 B091CLV9VF
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상품가격 $19.99
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FOOD GRADE & DURABLE SILICONE- Made of premium food-grade silicone to ensure better stain and odor resistant, Anti-sticking silicone heat-resistant up to 450°F and safe for being stirred with food during cooking, Worry no more about burning or melting during high temperature cooking, Healthy for daily cooking useSOLID CONSTRUCTION & EASY TO CLEAN- High hardness stainless steel core to enhance durability and toughness to keep the cooking utensils from bending or deformation, Strong joint make it no easy to fall off for long-lasting use, Quality silicone with non-stick and smooth surface easy to clean and durable for repeating washing, Dishwasher safeHEAT INSULATION & CONVENIENT STORAGE- Stainless steel handle with silicone sleeve for better grip and heat proof, Egg rings also have plastic anti-scald cover on the handle for removing safety, Hanging holes design for convenient hanging up and storage, A plastic holder keep your kitchen organized and have small drainage holes in the bottom to filter out water14PCS GRAY KITCHEN UTENSILS- Deep soup ladle, Slotted turner, Solid turner, Slotted spoon, Solid spoon, Pasta server, Large spatula, Small spoon spatulas, Kitchen tong, Whisk, Basting brush, Round/heart shaped egg rings and a plastic holder, Meet most of your cooking needGREAT VALUE UTENSILS FOR NONSTICK COOKWARE- 14Pcs different tools have its unique function, Useful for cooking/baking/mixing, Or even frying an heart shaped egg, Meet all your needs to get started with your kitchen or replace your current set, With flexible silicone heads keep non-stick cookware from scratching, Great gift for someone loves cooking

2024-02-13 13:10:27

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