해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Vinyl Skin Decal Stickers for Xbox Series X Console Skin, Anime Protector Wrap Cover Protective Faceplate Full Set Compatible with Controller Skins (Dragonball Supe[8530])

상품번호 B091D3M2JB
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Video Games / Xbox Series X & S
브랜드 Brand: Boorsed
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $13.99
상품가격 상세보기

High Quality: Made of high quality vinyl with high resolution design.Using ultra-thin, durable and lightweight high-quality materials.Protection Provide: Smooth and thin vinyl sticker protects your controller from dust, fingerprints and scratches.Easy to Install and Remove: Using ultra-thin, durable and lightweight high-quality materials, easy to use, stick, clean and remove.Applicable Model and Package: Fits for Xbox series X. Wonderful fashion design & Come with elegant packaging.After Buying Service: We are pleasured to help you. Please note that we are always here to help. Please contact us through Amazon if you have any questions or inquiries.
Specification: Fit for: Xbox Series X Material: PVC(Poly Vinyl) EXTREMELY COOL: This skins will give your Console and Controllers new and cool look when playing games with your friends. INSTALLION METHOD: 1.Wash hands and dry. 2.Clean Console, Controllers and SKINS surface thoroughly. 3.Put on each piece of vinyl decal carefully. 4.Apply hot air to ontrol decal surface by using a hair dryer will be best result. Package includes: 1 x Console skin 2 x Controller skin Not include the Console and Controller.

2024-05-16 20:40:16

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