해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tissue Box Cover Holder, Square with Bottom Belt by Carrot's Den - PU Leather Decorative Organizer for Tabletop, Bathroom, Car, Office | Beige

상품번호 B091DN26MQ
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상품가격 $7.99
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Pu LeatherBETTER FUNCTIONALITY : The bottom velcro belt keeps the box securely so you never have to worry about the tissue box falling out. Perfectly sized (5.25x5.25x5”) to hold most standard-sized square tissue boxes.EASY REFILLS : Just open the velcro belt at the bottom for easy replacement of empty tissue boxes.ELEGANT STORAGE : Dress up square tissue boxes with this stylish cover. The clean, minimal and modern design is perfect for home and commercial use. This is the missing piece in your room design that will complement any interior decor.CONVENIENT TO STORE : Made with premium quality PU leather. Can be folded for easy storage. Cleaning is also easy. Just wipe with wet cloth.VERSATILE : Perfect for end tables, night stands, countertops, vanities and desks; Use in kitchen, living room, family room, office, craft room, bedroom, and more; Perfect for house, apartment, condo, dorms, cars, RVs and campers.

2024-04-04 17:43:46

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