해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Steve Martin 8-Movie Collection [DVD]

상품번호 B091F3LHM1
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상품가격 $18.00
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The Jerk: Navin Johnson (Steve Martin), the adopted son of a poor family, goes on an adventure to find his identity while his crazy inventions lead him from rags to riches. Parenthood: Steve Martin stars alongside Rick Moranis, Keanu Reeves, Jason Robards and Mary Steenburgen as a funny and loving husband who tries too hard to be the perfect parent to his uniquely different kids. Housesitter: Newton Davis\' (Steve Martin) life is turned upside down when he shares the news of his girlfriend Becky (Dana Delany) turning down his proposal with dishonest waitress Gwen (Goldie Hawn). Bowfinger: Bobby Bowfinger (Steve Martin), Hollywood\'s least successful director, pulls an ingenious scheme to get Kit Ramsey (Eddie Murphy), Hollywood\'s biggest star, in his ultra-low budget film. Lonely Guy: Follow Larry (Steve Martin) and his buddy Warren (Charles Grodin) as they attempt to eke out a successful social life in the Big Apple. Dead Men Don\'t Wear Plaid: When a famous cheese maker dies in a freak car crash, his daughter (Rachel Ward) hires detective Roy Reardon (Steve Martin) to investigate. Sgt. Bilko: Sgt. Bilko (Steve Martin) is the leader of the sorriest bunch of soldiers ever to enlist and must drum up his biggest scheme yet to save Fort Baxter…and clear his name! It\'s Complicated: Adam (Steve Martin), a recently divorced architect starts to fall for Jane (Meryl Streep) right as she starts having an affair with her ex-husband (Alec Baldwin). Bonus Content: Disc 2 - Dead Men Don\'t Wear Plaid: Theatrical Trailer Disc 2 - The Lonely Guy: Theatrical Trailer Disc 3 - Bowfinger: Spotlight on Location Feature Commentary with Director Frank Oz Deleted Scenes Outtakes Theatrical Trailer Disc 4 - The Jerk: Learn How to Play "Tonight You Belong to Me" The Lost Filmstrips of Father Carlos Las Vegas de Cordova Theatrical Trailer Production Notes Disc 5 - Sgt. Bilko: Production Notes Theatrical Trailer Disc 6 - It\'s Complicated: The Making of: It\'s Complicated Feature Commentary with Producer/Writer/Director Nancy Meyers, Executive Producer Suzanne Farwell, Director of Photography John Toll, ASC and Editor Joe Hutshing, ACE ]]>

2024-07-11 04:36:29

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