해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KRAFUN My First Sewing Kit for Beginner Kids Arts & Crafts, 7 Easy DIY Projects of Stuffed Animal Dolls and Plush Pillow Craft, Instructions & Felt, Gift for Girls, Boys, Learn to Sew, Embroidery

상품번호 B091GXM2Y6
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Arts & Crafts
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상품가격 $19.99
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? Perfect As A Gift ?: Celebrate embroidery kits joy and fun with your friends and family. Comes with reusable and beautiful box to hold all the basic sewing kit materials. Great way to introduce beginners to learn Art & Craft skills! Kids sewing kits keeping your children focusing on their creativity and ability to complete complex tasks? Make 7 Easy Projects ? : Make a total of 7 beginner Sewing Art & Craft kit with Bag, Ornament, Pillow, Mini Card Holder, Organizer & Mini Rainbow. Tools and precise visual step-by-step instructions for stress-free learning also included for plush craft.? Great For 5+ Years Old Kids ?: Great gift for 5+ years old kids who is starting to learn sewing the first time! Families and friends can also share the fun and complete the kids arts crafts together. Learning sewing, crafting skills and create your cute and fun arts and crafts for girls? Safe Tools & Materials ? Plastic needle tools are provided, ensure the safety of children during usage. All materials are all from reliable and secure source. All our products are tested thoroughly for safety standards, making sure your kids can enjoy kids sewing kits without any worries.✂️ Easy No Mess Crafting ✂️: No glue required and no more mess! All fabric come with pre-punched holes and pre-cut shapes, simply follow directly with plastic needle tools or hands. Also comes with clear graphical instructions for the stuffed animals sewing kit.

2025-01-10 00:02:28

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