해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Believe Baby 100% Bamboo Viscose Baby Diapers Size 5 - Premium, Super-Absorbent, Hypoallergenic for Sensitive Skin, Chemical-Free, Unscented Diaper for Babies >27lbs - 25 Ct

상품번호 B092351N7V
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상품가격 $29.99
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100% Bamboo ViscoseImportedGENTLE COMFORT: Quality without compromise! Believe Baby Diapers are made from the softest, all-natural materials responsibly sourced from Mother Earth. These disposable diapers feature a soft elastic leg and waistband, secure hook and loop tabs that won\'t stick to skin, and a comfortable belly button cutout to avoid irritation, offering the best for your newborn and the environment.HYPOALLERGENIC: Unscented and free from harmful chemicals, preservatives, and additives! Believe Baby Diapers have NO chlorine, latex, alcohol, TBT, PVCs, lotions, fragrances, or phthalates. Just sustainable, skin-friendly materials found in nature. Our diaper features a topsheet made of 100% bamboo viscose fabric, a backsheet of soft nonwoven fabric, and incorporates imported fluff pulp, SAP, and polyethylene film, along with SMMS and SSS nonwoven layers and spandex.SUPER-ABSORBENT: Naturally wicks moisture away! The super-absorbent bamboo viscose fiber and chlorine-free pulp made from US virgin wood pull wetness away from your baby\'s skin and absorbs liquid without leaking. Always know when it\'s time for a change with the vertical blue stripe wetness indicator.SUSTAINABLE: When you nurture your baby, you nurture the world! Believe Baby Diapers are made with sustainably harvested bamboo viscose and natural, plant-based materials. The result is a soft, super-absorbent diaper that is gentle on baby\'s sensitive skin and friendly to Mother Earth.BELIEVE BABY DIAPERS: Committed to making a great diaper for babies and the planet while helping those who need it most, we Believe a little change can do a lot of good! With every one of our sustainable, earth-friendly diapers you buy, we\'ll donate a Believe Baby Diaper to a US family in need through our 1-to-1 matching program.

2024-07-11 00:53:18

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