해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Premium Car Cleaning Gel (200g) Interior Detailing Kit Automotive Duster Crumbs Cleaner Car Crevice Cleaner Slime Auto Air Vent Removal Putty Cleaning Keyboard Cleaner Car Accessories Window Sill Blue

상품번호 B0927JQSTX
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Car Care
브랜드 Brand: GRITex.
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $6.89
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IDEAL CAR CLEANING TOOL: Cleaning gel is specially manufactured to easily remove dust and crumbs from your car interior surfaces, including hard-to-reach spaces. Our car putty can be used to clean cup holders, dashboard, steering wheel, door handles, air vents, gear shift lever, console panel, gear shifts and much more.SIMPLE TO USE: Remove car cleaning gel from jar, knead it a few times, place car cleaner slime on desired area to remove dust and crumbs, press and/or roll car cleaning putty, lift cleaning gel and inspect area for cleanse to your satisfaction. When finished cleaning, place car detailing gel back into jar. Cleaning slime can also be pressed onto computer keyboard and slowly lifted to remove to dust and other goop. Do not wash car duster with water. Do not use car jelly cleaner on phone, laptop or computer screens.REUSABLE: Universal dust cleaning gel can be used multiple times until car cleaner slime turns to black. After each use, place the cleaning gel for car detailing back in the jar. Store jar containing universal cleaning putty in a cool, room temperature, dry place.MULTIPLE USES: Multisurface cleaner can be used for car interior, home and office spaces. Cleaning gel can be used on pc keyboards, car nooks, car crannies, calculators, tv remotes, furniture, printer, gaming systems, consoles, ash tray, rugged surfaces, electronics, dusty areas, tight spaces, cleaner for creases, and much more!HIGH-TECH CLEANING SOLUTION: Automotive cleaning kit is made using high-tech cleaning materials. Dust and dirt stick to cleaning putty easily and does not make hands sticky. Car cleaning supplies seamlessly gets rid of all dust and debris, leaving no residue behind.PERFECT GIFT: Small car accessories are a great gift for all men, women, boys, girls, adults, teenagers and teens. Car decor is a perfect present for Christmas stocking stuffers, Birthday gift, Mother\'s day, Father\'s day, Valentine\'s day gifts for him and her, or just for fun!MUST HAVE ITEM: This cute car accessories for men and women is a must-have car detailing product for men and women looking to keep their vehicles in mint shape! Cool car necessities for men and women. Car essentials for men to clean cars. Car stuff for men and women. Car gadgets for men, women, adults and teenagers.
Multi-surface dust cleaning gel (200g) is the perfect tool to clean hard to reach places. This non-stick putty makes your life a lot easier, as the product does not have to be washed! You can use it multiple times, until the gel is black or non-absorbent anymore. This cleaning gel is ideal for removing dust from car interiors, keyboards, fans, windowsills, ash trays, and much more!

2024-07-11 15:40:21

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