해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AF Archery Turkish Recurve Bow, Traditional Laminated Horse Bow for Archery Enthusiasts, Short Bow Ambidextrous for Beginners and Seasoned Archers, 30-50 lbs

상품번호 B092D39G4J
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상품가격 $119.99
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[Premium Quality Materials] Made of fiberglass and bamboo laminated. The handle and two bow tips of the bow are made of ash wood. We wrap the handle with cowhide, which can give the user a comfortable feeling. All items are handmade.[Universal Design] Suitable for both left- and right-handed archers, bow length is 51 inches, string length is 45 inches, and maximum draw length is 32 inches. Gain 2-3 pounds per inch of body weight.[Detailed Design] We wrap the handle with cowhide, and the bow handle is oval-shaped. The bow handle is convex outward and straight on the inside, which is more suitable for hand holding and can give the user a comfortable grip.[Unparalleled Performance] We have retained the classic style of the Turkish bow, while greatly optimizing its performance. The bow limbs have fine wood grain texture, the bow body is shorter, and the arrow speed is extremely fast. Faster and smoother, suitable for horseback archery or daily archery activities.[Adaptable for Varied Use] Ideal for various shooting styles, providing quick, light, and precise shots for all skill levels. If you encounter any problems after receiving the product and during use, you can contact us at any time and we will try our best to help you solve the problem.
Based on the large recurve of the entire bow arm, the Turkish bow adds a ridge to the front half of the bow arm to provide a stable hardness to the bow arm instead of the recurve of the front half of the bow arm. Perhaps this can reduce the difficulty of the process and increase the stability of the bow body to achieve the same effect. This design is also found on Tatar bows and Indo-Persian bows. The advantage of this design is that it is more stable and it does not add much weight to the bow arm. The bow handle is oval in shape, with the bow handle convex outward and straight on the inner side, which is more suitable for hand holding. Its structure is light and short, making it a weapon in war.

2024-06-07 07:13:43

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