해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Compact Provisions BP-5s Emergency Food Supply - 3-Pack - Non-Perishable Survival Rations for Disaster Preparedness & Disaster Kits - 2385 Calories, 72g Protein Per Box - 9 bars/box

상품번호 B092MBFN55
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상품가격 29.99
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THE ORIGINAL COMPACT EMERGENCY FOOD RATION: Top-quality, vegan, non-GMO, great value BP-5s. Each box provides 2385 calories and 72g protein in 9 ready-to-eat bars – feeds 1 adult for 1 day (standard calories), equal to 2 days survival rations. 5-year shelf life.READY-TO-EAT, NO PREP NECESSARY: No need for electricity, gas, or heat source – great-tasting BP-5s emergency food bars are always ready with vital protein, energy, and balanced nutrition – the perfect non-perishable emergency food.BASED ON RIGOROUS FOOD SCIENCE: Based on 70+ years of R&D, Compact Provisions emergency food supplies are deployed around the world to save millions of lives in humanitarian crises and maritime disasters – experience you can trust.PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES AND HELP SAVE LIVES: For every box of BP-5s purchased, we give one life-saving meal to treat a child suffering from malnutrition. It’s disaster preparedness that makes a difference.PACK BP-5s FOR REAL PEACE OF MIND: In addition to stocking your home, office, or vehicle emergency food kit, take BP-5s on the go whenever you need camping food or rations for other outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, backpacking, etc.Also available in a 1, 6, 12, and 24 packs

2024-09-05 05:45:09

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