해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VIZIO 43-inch D-Series Full HD 1080p Smart TV with Apple AirPlay and Chromecast Built-in, Alexa Compatibility, D43f-J04, 2022 Model

상품번호 B092Q2QGQF
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상품가격 $199.99
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1080p High-Definition - Watch TV in crisp, clear 1080p Full HD resolution and experience a brilliant picture with the VIZIO D-Series..Aspect Ratio 16:9. Pattern 200mm x 100mmFull Array LED Backlight - Evenly distributed LEDs across the screen’s backlight deliver superior light uniformity and picture performance.IQ Picture Processor - Delivers superior picture processing, faster navigation, and quicker load times to get to your favorite content faster.V-Gaming Engine Automatically optimizes picture mode for gaming and makes next-gen console gameplay more responsive with Auto Game Mode, Variable Refresh Rate with AMD Freesync, D-Series lowest input lag, and newly added gaming menu.SmartCast - With intuitive navigation, enjoy instant access to the best selection of apps from top-tier streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, YouTube, HBO Max and many more right out of the box.
Versatility and performance collide with the new D-Series FHD Smart TV that comes loaded with a full array backlight for better contrast and uniformity, brilliant 1080p Full HD resolution and an ultra-fast VIZIO IQ processor with support for immersive audio pass-through for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X. Game on with the V-Gaming Engine that enables next-level gaming performance with features like Variable Refresh Rate with AMD FreeSync, auto game mode, low-latency gaming, and newly added gaming menu. D-Series blends power, speed and versatile size. Stream it all with the award-winning SmartCast platform loaded with the best selection of built-in apps including WatchFree+ that lets you enjoy free access to live TV and hundreds of free channels right out of the box. SmartCast also works with Apple AirPlay 2 and Chromecast built-in, offering unparalleled entertainment in a size that fits your lifestyle. 1 month promotional period of discovery+ (ad-supported) available to those that purchase and activate a new VIZIO TV by 10/22/2022 and redeem promotion by 11/22/22.* *CANCEL BEFORE 1-MONTH PROMOTIONAL PERIOD ENDS TO AVOID AUTOMATIC MONTHLY FEES. New eligible subscribers only. Taxes apply. Terms apply.

2024-07-11 21:35:47

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