해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
THE NORTH FACE Recon Everyday Laptop Backpack, Asphalt Grey Light Heather/TNF Black, One Size

상품번호 B092RJ3Y1L
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상품가격 77.00
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GO-TO CLASSIC. The iconic Recon Laptop Backpack excels as a day pack with its large mesh storage pocket and daisy-chain attachment points.FLEX VENT TECHNOLOGY. The updated FlexVent suspension system has articulated shoulder straps, a rounded back panel and stitch lines for comfort, and soft-touch chemise fabric, all certified by the American Chiropractic Association.TOTAL ORGANIZATION. Two external mesh water bottle pockets easily double as multi-use pockets while an external, fleece-lined pocket holds sunglasses, keys and electronics.ALWAYS READY. A huge main compartment holds all your books and binders needed for a day at work and contains a dedicated laptop sleeve to protect your computer from bumps and falls.TECH SPECS. This item is not intended for use by children 12 and under. Dim: 11.6"x7.5"x19.3" (29.5cm x 19.1cm x 49cm). Laptop Sleeve: 18.9"x11" (48cm x 27.9cm). Vol: 30L. This item is not intended for use by children 12 and under.

2025-01-09 04:09:50

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