해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Exquisite Collection of Commemorative Coins 2012 Zambia 50 Enwei Coin Elephant. 21mm. U.S. Dollar Currency Foreign Currency Fidelity

상품번호 B092TN3JZC
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상품구분 Collectibles & Fine Art / Collectible Coins
브랜드 Brand: MKIOPNM
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $4.00
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✨:Copy commemorative coins – Is the exact size of the actual liberty dollar and made from real heavy metal to ensure it feels.It is not a tradable silver coin, but it is worth your permanent collection.✨:HIGH PRECISION MANUFACTURING – This Commemorative Collectors Edition Coin for a stunning mirror like finish, Top quality Limited Edition American Eagle challenge coin.It is a one of a kind beautiful coin that is sure to enhance any collection.✨:Collectible: Challenge Coins make the perfect collectible gift for Veterans. Store them in a collector\'s display case or carry it with you for a challenge coin check!✨:EXQUISITE CRAFTSMANSHIP – These coins are die-struck, filled with bold enamel colors, and polished for a look you\'ll be proud to showcase.✨:Coin Capsules is easy to identify: Transparent coin box is very convenient to view and exchange the coins.Made of high-transparent and thickened plastic material, dust-proof and oxidation-resisting for coin collectors to store and protect your favorite coins.
Package: Each Coin W/ Clear Coin Capsule MKIOPNM store Sell military challenge coins, air force challenge coins, navy challenge coins, coast guard challenge coins, trump coins,the perfect gift for Design: Round,Double Sides Condition: 100% Brand New High Quality Each Coin W/ Clear Coin Capsule It is the perfect gift for hobby veterans and police officers

2024-07-11 12:36:03

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