해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lareina Ceramic Mixing Bowls for Kitchen, 3-Piece Large Colorful Serving Bowls, 3.13/1.68/1.18 Qt Deep Microwaveable Nesting Bowl, Stackable and Functional, Ideal Gift

상품번호 B092V56M2W
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상품가격 $39.99
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Make it a relax moment: Without all the hustle and bustle,when you get home, you deserve a moment to get relax.Every time you use Lareina products, we want to remind you to slow down and enjoy your cooking time or your dinning timeMultifunctional: Lareina 3 Pieces mixing bowls are 9.5*5*4.5 In / 8.3*4.5*4.1 In / 7*3.8*3.4 In.The biggest one is great for food prep, fruit, popcorn, and making dough; the medium bowl works well for serving salad; the small bowl is just right for cerealHeavy Duty: Lareina multicolored porcelain mixing bowl set in kitchen is of high quality. They are heavy enough for stirring without being too heavy to use every day. This set of nesting bowls are substantial that goes well with the electric hand mixer and will last foreverHigh Quality: Lareina cheery fluted large serving bowls are made of high quality clay and fired at high temperature.They have a well and polished finish to prevent scratches from forks and knives and so they are microwave, dishwasher,oven, and freezer safeLead Free: We know lead is poision and we insist on making products free of lead. We use lead free glaze, so you will never get sick because of our products. Finished with nature glaze that the color of our products might be a little bit different from what you have seen on the pictureSpace Saving: Lareina deep nesting mixing bowls for baking are stackable. These ceramic serving bowls will take up little space in your cabinet. They will work out well to make your kitchen tidy and cleanLareina\'s Promise: We provide a free replacement for any defective products,7/24.Any problem related to buying from us, please feel free to contact us. Our professional service team will offer you the best service. We\'re not happy unless you are

2024-09-06 06:14:56

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