해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dry & Dry (NET 3 LBS) Newly Developed Silica Gel Flower Drying - Ultra Premium Silica Gel for Drying Flowers Silica Gel Flower Drying(1 Bag of 3 LBS Reusable)

상품번호 B0942PHS82
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상품가격 $15.99
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[PURE, SAFE, AND NON-TOXIC]. 100 % Pure & Safe White silica gel powder & Indicating Orange Powder. Indicating Orange silica gel beads will change to Dark Green when 50-60% absorbed with moisture; Still almost half more capacity is left to absorb moisture even after color change; Orange beads are free of cobalt chloride[NEWLY DEVELOPED ULTIMATE FLOWER DRYING AGENT] Flowers can be dried in 2-5 days. Maintains Natural Colors. Preserves Texture. Preserve Elegant Memories and Capture Beauty of Drying flowers with our Drying Flower Silica Gel. Newly developed flower drying silica technology, which allows flowers to dry faster than regular models.[RECHARGEABLE] Silica gel can be Reactivated by Placing in the Oven for 0.5-2 hours at 200-250F Or Microwave for About 10 Minutes at DEFROST; Don\'t use over 250F in the Oven; Depending on the beads\' condition, they may take shorter than the recommended time. Spread silica gel in a thin layer on a shallow baking pan.[RESEALABLE DOUBLE PACKAGED] Beads are stored in Airtight Sealed RESEABLE Bag for Long-term Preservation & Protection. [ 3 lb size is enough for most of your drying flower project.][WARRANTY INFORMATION] Our products are supported with new replacement or full refund with no time limits if they don’t work. [Made in the USA from imported materials]

2024-05-16 20:42:42

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