해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Screen Protection Film compatible with Casio FX-9860GIII Screen Protector, ultra-clear FX Protective Film (2X)

상품번호 B0945W35WF
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상품구분 Cell Phones & Accessories / Accessories
브랜드 Brand: atFoliX
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상품가격 $14.79
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FX-Clear Protector Film: Ultra-clear and hard-coated, perfect fit and compatible with Casio FX-9860GIIIThis crystal-clear, highly transparent Screen Protection Film is almost invisibleWith a pencil hardness of 6H at 500g writing pressure, very resistant to scratches - Extremely scratch resistant, hard coated Protective Film compatible with Casio FX-9860GIIIThe film\'s durable, multi-layered synthetic materials provide long-lasting mechanical protection for screens against all kinds of damage - The Screen Protector is exceptionally robust, durable and designed for continuous useAccessory@FoliX - Made in Germany *** Very easy to apply of the Protective Film - 100% bubble-free adhesion to a clean screen, the special silicone adhesive layer forces out the air when the film is applied, ensuring that it clings snugly to the screen
FX-Clear Screen Protection Film by atFoliX, crystal clear, compatible with Casio FX-9860GIII The FX-Clear Screen Protector is a transparent, high-tech protective film for high-resolution screens. Ultra-clear and hard-coated! This innovative Protective Film is distinguished by its superb, crystal-clear transparency and excellent scratch-resistance (can withstand a 6H pencil hardness at 500 g writing pressure). This highly transparent Screen Protector, which is very easy to apply and can be removed at any time without leaving a residue, adheres perfectly to the screen without affecting its operation. The Protective Film reduces fingerprints and repels dirt and grease. The Screen Protection Film does not impair the operation of screens and touch screens, which remain fully functional! Anti-static film material, the Screen Protection Film does not attract dust as it is applied and can even be rinsed with clear water and reattached if necessary. No glue, pure adhesive liability! Optimal adhesion right up to the edges - guaranteed. Scope of delivery - 2 x FX-Clear Screen Protector compatible with Casio FX-9860GIII - cleaning cloth - installation tool (squeegee) - Link to the multilingual, illustrated mounting instructions (including mounting video) Packages for devices with several screens (e.g. internal and external screens) contain a protective film for each screen.

2024-06-11 06:22:56

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