해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
White Noise Sound Machine with 25 Soothing Natural Sounds Rechargeable Battery Portable for Travel 32 Volume Levels 5 Timers Compact Size for Baby Kids Adults Sleeping (Black-2024 Upgrade)

상품번호 B094DB5K6P
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상품가격 $14.99
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♬【25 No-Looping Soothing Sounds】This sound machine offers 25 soothing sounds, including brown/pink/blue/white noises, 4 fan sounds, 3 rain sounds, 3 sea wave sounds and other soothing sounds (brook, bird, campfire, train, star dust, lullabies, meditation, etc.).The sound provided is soothing and not harsh, which can effectively improving the quality of sleep.♬【Portable Built-in Rechargeable Battery】It can be powered by USB or rechargeable battery, which has a long service life for convenience, reliability and mobility, can be used outdoors without connecting to an outlet, making it ideal for outdoor use. And it also comes with a hanging lanyard, which can be hung on a stroller, crib or door handle.♬【32 Adjustable Volume Levels】No longer be afraid of being too low or loud, you can easily control the volume with just a light press of the button. The volume can be adjusted according to the scene and your needs.♬【5 Timer Options and Strong Memory Function】It possesses a timer function, which can be set to 15/30/60/120 minutes or continuous playback. Long press the timer button to turn off the indicator light, and sleep at night will not be awakened by the light. Turning off the indicator light will not change the timer, and it will automatically turn off according to the original set time. And the memory function will remember the previous setting sound and volume, no need to adjust.♬【Warm and Professional Service】The sound machine have approved by FCC, CE and RoHS, you can rest assured that use our product. We will provide high quality customer service&18 months warranty, if you have any questions about our product, we will do our best to help you out. Your support is our greatest happiness.

2024-05-15 11:57:53

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