해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hasense Ceramic Serving Bowls, 36 Ounce White Salad Bowls Set for Kitchen, Great for Side Dishes Pasta Popcorn, Serving Dishes for Entertaining, Holiday Gift, Microwave & Dishwasher Safe, Set of 4

상품번호 B094FPLZ6C
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상품가격 $33.99
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MULTIPLE USES LARGE SALAD BOWLS: 8 "(L) x 6 "(W) x 3"(H), holds up to 36 ounces and is large enough to meet your daily demand, large serving dishes are appropriate for salads, pasta, soup, fruit, popcorn, snacks and so on.UNIQUE BOAT-SHAPE SERVING BOWLS: This serving bowls have a stylish unique shape with clean and curved lines, which looks like a boat full of delicious food. Glossy and classic white can easily match a variety of tableware and enhance your daily gourmet dining experience.HEALTHY AND DURABLE PORCELAIN BOWLS: This porcelain bowl set are constructed of durable LEAD-FREE porcelain, glossy which features healthy and sturdy for long-lasting daily use. White serving dishes are safe for microwave, oven, dishwasher and freezer.EASY TO STACK AND CLEAN: Hasense oval salad bowls set can stack neatly to conserve counter or cabinet space. The smooth surface of the serving dishes makes it easy to clean, not easy to remain stains.ATTRACTIVE BOWLS FOR ANY OCCASIONS: These decorative white bowls go well with any Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, housewarming party, birthday party occasions. Large bowls with broad rims are great for aiding in kitchen prep.

2024-09-06 03:21:09

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