해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Magnetic Whiteboard with Stand - Double Sided 40"x28" Portable U Stand Easel Whiteboard, Height Adjustable & 360° Rotating Dry Erase Boards for Classroom, Home, Restaurant & Presentation

상품번호 B094Q3F2TN
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상품구분 Office Products / Office & School Supplies
브랜드 Brand: Max-officoo
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $118.89
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360° ROTATING & HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE: 360° rotating design allows you to turn the dry erase board to a landscape position to write or view just like you do on your office desk or table at home, and allow you to write,draw and scrawl at any writing angle you like. Moreover, The height of this U-stand board can be easily adjusted from 41" to 76". Whether children or adults, seating or standing, you can write or view in your most optimum angles.DOUBLE-SIDE MAGNETIC SURFACE & STAND FIRMLY: 40"x28" drawing board with smooth and durable surface, you can write on both sides or attach paper pad on one side while writing on the other side. Never worry about stains after wiping with dry-wipe eraser in time. And easel white board is built-in U-stand with anti-slip reinforced rubber feet, which makes the white board stand much stable when writing or erasing, no wobble or shaking.PORTABLE & STORE EASILY: Lightweight and foldable design, make this whiteboard easel easy to use and carry. Also, it can be easily stored next to a sofa, in a closet at home, or flat under a bed, won\'t take up much space at all.HUMANIZED DESIGN: Portable whiteboard can be assembled in about three minutes without any tools, and the stand board comes with flipchart hooks on the top for hanging pads, flipcharts, papers, files, posters, calendars or other presentation materials. And markers or erasers can be placed on the marker tray neatly. Besides, Kids easel comes with a convenient storage box to keep your markers, erasers and cleaners within easy reach. Keep the area neat and presentable by storing supplies in the box.MULTIFUNCTIONAL USE & GREAT GIFT IDEA: The standing whiteboard can be served as white boards, office whiteboard, magnetic dry erase board, menu board, writing board, study board, painting boards, bulletin board. It’s excellent for your restaurants, coffee house, classroom, office, home, presentations, meetings, creative Work, brainstorming, teaching, researching, training sessions, parties, mixers, scout camps, outdoor activities, and also for Helping Your Kids with Homework.

2024-02-13 17:34:50

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