해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SEUNMUK 3 Pack 12 x 1 Inch Mason Chisel with Hand Protection, Heavy Duty Flat Chisel Flat Head Mason Chisel for Demolishing Carving Scaling Breaking Hounding

상품번호 B094R87ZZG
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상품가격 $21.59
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PREMIUM MATERIAL - Made of forged and heat-treated steel, the mason chisel is strong, durable, corrosion-resistant, and not easy to rust or break. They have excellent hardness, strength and long-lasting durability.ERGONOMIC HANDLE - Hand protector and shock-absorbing handle can provide excellent protection to prevent missed hits and over hits, allowing you to work accurately and easily. The surface of the handle has a non-slip texture to make it have a good grip and a comfortable touch.WHAT WILL YOU GET - You will get 3 pack mason chisel with hand guard to meet your daily needs. Its length is 11.8 inch and the blade width is 1 inch. A larger strike area can reduce the number of strikes and improve your work efficiency.MULTIFUNCTIONAL APPLICATIONS - The flat chisel with hand protection is very suitable for cutting, carving, splitting, demolishing hard stone, brick, concrete, cement block, cinder block and so on. Practical and economical products are your perfect choice.SATISFACTORY SHOPPING EXPERIENCE - If you have any dissatisfaction with the heavy duty chisel, you will get a within 30 days. If you have any questions about the product, please feel free to contact us, we will provide you with a satisfactory solution.
About Us SEUNMUK has been dedicated to producing and designing flat chisel and various other related products. Our primary goal is to provide you with better products and the best customer satisfaction. Practical and economical products will make you enjoy the best shopping experience. Why Choosing SEUNMUK? The flat chisel is an ideal choice for cutting, carving, splitting, demolishing hard stone, bricks, concrete, cement blocks and cinder blocks. The flat mason chisel has a good grip and a comfortable touch, allowing you to hold the tool firmly to achieve precise strikes. The hand protector and shock-absorbing handle can protect your hands and prevent missed hits and over hits. After forging and heat treatment, the mason chisel is sturdy, corrosion-resistant, and has strong hardness and durability. The red coating on the surface makes it more durable and has a longer service life. Specifications: Material: steel Length: 12 inches Blade Width: 1 inch Color: red Package Contents: 3 x flat head mason chisel with hand guard

2025-01-09 11:12:42

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