해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FLASHFORGE 3D Printer Adventurer 4 Pro, 30-Point Auto Leveling with PEI Steel Plate, 300mm/s High Speed Printing, Upgrade Cooling System and Hardened Nozzle to Print Carbon Fiber Materials Perfectly

상품번호 B095FR5SJD
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상품가격 $449.00
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【Efficient and Handy Worry-free Printing】Auto bed-leveling equips with a 30-point auto leveling sensor, and it can adjust the suitable distance between nozzle and build plate accordingly. The automatic nozzle calibration also helps ensuring a neat and smooth first-layer extrusion.【All-round Upgrade Superior Surface Quality】Brand-new extruder fan structure, the extruder is equipped with 3 fans to control the cooling wind speed. The dual ducts achieve the rapid cooling of the models, offering a better surface finish.【High-speed and Hardened Nozzles Bundle】0.4mm-240℃ high-speed nozzle, with upgraded internal heat conduction structure and higher thermal fusion efficiency, ensuring good model quality under high-speed printing; 0.6mm-265℃ high-strength nozzle, with good wear resistance, supporting long-term printing of carbon fiber materials.【5X Faster Speed Higher Printing Efficiency】With the upgraded XY axis structure and the high-speed copper nozzle, Adventurer 4 Pro improves the print speed up to 300mm/s, reducing about 40%-60% work time effectively.【Warranty and Service】All Flashforge 3D printers come with lifetime technical support and a one-year warranty. We provide 24-hour online customer service, if you have any questions about the product operation or software, please feel free to contact us.

2024-05-15 11:16:40

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