해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Straw Constructor Toys STEM Building Toys 600Pcs Straw Toy Interlocking Plastic Toys Engineering Toys Thin Tube Blocks Toy Educational Toy Kit for 3 4 5 6 7 8 Years Kids Toy for Boys and Girls

상품번호 B095PG2GMK
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상품가격 $24.99
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✱Fun & Educational Preschool Toys : Sensory toys for 3 - 5 6 - 8 years old boys and girls,The imaginative kindergarten toys. And this straw building toys is classroom toys education toys, Indoor activity, early learner tool, collaboration teamwork toys, which exercise boys and girls\' engineering skills, mathematics, structure, reasoning and imagination.✱600PCS Straws Building Toy : Upgraded accessories in 2024 Colorful straw connectors Toys. adding wheels and multi-directional connectors, can build most shapes in children\'s imagination. STEM toys for creative 4D building blocks can assemble various shapes such as airplanes,cruise ships deformed cars castles robots animals etct. A great STEM building toy will be favorite gift toys for children.✱Stem Bins Toy with Storage Box: This straw building block with storage box is most suitable for outdoor or indoor multiple people to learn and play together. Educational STEM toy children\'s training center and classroom must haves. Perfect birthday toy for preschool children, house building games, etc.✱Kids Toy Share With Friend: There are a sufficient number of 600PCS, building toys for multiple children can play indoors or outdoors in collaboration, Toys that increase the friendship and social interaction of children.✱Internationally Certified Toys: It has CPSIA and ASTM certificates. It is a product that has passed international safety inspection and certification. We use the latest research and development of non-toxic,safe materials to make construction toys.

2024-11-01 04:11:47

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