해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BONSEN Paper Shredder, 20-Sheet 60 Mins Nonstop Heavy Duty Paper Shredder for Office, 60dB Ultra Quiet Cross-Cut Shredder with 6.6 Gals Basket, Anti-Jam CD and Credit Shredder for Home Office (S3104)

상품번호 B095RK6PZQ
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상품가격 $219.99
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The cross cut shredder shreds paper per pass into 13/64 by 63/64 inches tiny particles, smaller than normal cross-cut shreddings (High-Security Level P-4)Heavy duty shredders with high-quality nitrided steel cutter, superior hardness level and extraordinary wear resistance, the shredder shred up to 20 sheets at a time; The 6.6 gallon large bin capacity can hold 520 sheets for less emptyingThe advanced cooling system keeps the heavy-duty shredder from overheating for more than 60 minutes of continuous shreddingThe shredder is made of thickened material. The good quality material makes it heavier than other shredders, which helps resist abrasionPrecise structural design and reliable motor ensure the shredder operates with ultra low noise ≤60dB. The 20-shredder paper with anti-jam system to avoid paper jamsTo ensure that the shredder works properly, we test 100% of each machine during production

2025-02-05 02:20:58

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