해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Logitech G923 Racing Wheel and Pedals, TRUEFORCE Force Feedback, Real Leather + Logitech G Driving Force Shifter - Xbox X|S, Xbox One, PC, Mac - Black

상품번호 B0961YJFMK
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상품가격 $310.14
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PRECISION DRIVING DUO : Take full control of the race with G923 Racing Wheel & Pedals and Driving Force ShifterCOMBINED FOR REALISM: Put yourself in the driving seat of a real race-car with a wheel and pedal setup complete with manual gear shifter for an immersive racing experienceNEXT-GEN FORCE FEEDBACK: Exclusive TRUEFORCE feedback connects directly to in-game physics for for high-definition feedback and unprecedented realism (1) (1) Compatible with most racing games on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC, with select titles specially designed for TRUEFORCE.REALISTIC RACING SIMULATION: Get off the starting line cleaner and faster; a programmable dual clutch simulates real race car launch assist right from the controller, when playing supported gamesCONTROL THE RACE: Fine-tune your speed with a built-in LED RPM indicator; integrated Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One or PC game controls, a 24-point selector and progressive brake spring keep steering under controlPREMIUM BUILT: Look, feel and durability of a real race car wheel and shifter. Wheel cover, knob and boot are covered in high-quality, hand-stitched leather with a solid steel gear shaft and polished metal pedalsCOMPATIBILITY: For Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC. Shifter works with G923, G29 and G920 Racing Wheel & Pedals to enhance the latest PC and console racing titles
Logitech G Driving Force Shifter with Logitech G923 Racing Wheel and Pedals for Xbox X|S, Xbox One and PC and Genuine Leather Wheel Cover.

2024-11-28 20:13:18

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