해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Columbia Men's Rapid Rivers Printed Short Sleeve Shirt

상품번호 B096MXC8L7
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상품가격 $29.99
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97% Cotton, 3% ElastaneImportedPRINTED STYLE: Created for functional summer style, You\'ll find the Columbia Men’s Rapid Rivers Printed Short Sleeve Shirt available in a wide range of in-trend prints that range from island vibes to relaxed everyday style. So many You\'ll come back for more.STAY COOL: Created in stylish yarn-dyed designs, this button-up shirt will be your new all-around hot-weather go-to.COMFORT STRETCH / REGULAR FIT: This short sleeved shirt is crafted for a regular fit utilizing a cotton and elastane stretch blend fabric for easy wear and all-day comfort.ADJUSTABLE FEATURES: Front button-down closure and collar, along with a clean chest pocket to stash small items on the go. You\'ll be able to dial in the comfort throughout the day.BUILT TO LAST: Columbia’s attention to detail is what sets our apparel apart. Specifying only the highest quality materials, expert stitching and craftsmanship. This is a long-lasting shirt you will enjoy for seasons to come.
Crisp button up, whether you\'re on vacation or headed for casual Friday, this cotton short-sleeve button-up has a clean, soft style that you\'ll love. Crafted from a cotton blend, this laidback short sleeve button up is the pillar of all-day comfort and outdoor style. The Columbia Men’s Rapid Rivers Printed Short Sleeve Shirt, is a piece of heaven on the patio, or at surf’s edge.

 This stylishly casual short-sleeved shirt is made from a cotton blend with a hint of give, designed for two-way comfort stretch and performance. A single chest pocket, button down collar, and button up class. 

Columbia offers this men’s shirt in multiple patterns and sizes. Extended sizing available. Regular Fit. To ensure the size you choose is right, utilize our sizing chart and the following measurement instructions: For the chest, measure at the fullest part of the chest, under the armpits and over the shoulder blades, keeping the tape measure firm and level.

2024-10-02 11:55:26

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