해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Car Seat Protector 2 Pack Car Seat Cushion Mat Thickest Padding,Waterproof 600D Fabric Car Seat Covers for Non-Slip Backing Mesh Pockets for Baby and Pet(2 Seat Protector)

상품번호 B096PFF9P8
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상품가격 $27.99
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PROTECT YOUR CARS UPHOLSTERY CLEAN:Xhyang Car seat protectors are an accessory that’s designed to protect your vehicle’s upholstery from wear and tear. Most parents use them to protect their vehicle’s seats from messy children and any potential damages and reduce mess and clean-up time as well as prevent damage, extend the life of your vehicle upholsteryENCHANCED MATERIAL & EASY TO CLEAN:Durable non-slip PVC reinforced corner,600D oxford fabric, Plus on the inside it has foam padding that provides a very comfortable cushioning and textured surface prevents slippage,great for long trips with young travelers, sweat after sports and work out, kid mess and drops, spilled drinks, food, rain, dirt, debris and dust,Easily wiped off Stains with a damp clothCONVENIENT TWO STORAGE POCKET: Keep All Your Baby\'s Travel Necessities Secure In The Handy Access Mesh Pockets Under The Baby\'s Feet, It\'s Perfect For quick and organized access to toys, snacks, drinks, bottles, sunglasses case, lunch boxes, books, etc,Goodbye to messy car seats once and for all,Its odor-free, non-toxic, harmless, breathable and eco-friendly material is 100% safe for your kid and pet.ANTI-SLIP DESIGN & ADJUST STRAPS:Non-skid material on top and bottom to prevent car seat from shifting,Securely fasten them to achieve a perfect fit. Forget about seat protectors sliding off the seat,The car seat mat has adjustable safety straps that will tie the cover securely to the headrest. Securely fasten them to achieve a perfect fitLARGE SIZE and ISOFIX Compatible:This seat cover fits most types of cars, trucks, sedan, like SUV, van, Honda Odyssey, Jeep, Subaru Outback, Ford F-150, Dodge Charger; the Isofix connection can be carried out flawlessly. Large enough to cover the bottom portion of the seat and the back.adjustable safety straps that will tie the cover securely to the headrest. Securely fasten them to achieve a perfect fit.

2024-10-31 18:35:25

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