해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Chrome Front Frame Down Tube Covers for Harley Softail Fatboy Heritage Springer Deluxe FLSTN FLSTF FLST

상품번호 B096Z8GMWJ
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상품가격 $58.98
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Condition:100%Brand New, 1 Pair Frame Down Tube CoversFitment: This downtube covers is specifically designed for Harley Softail Model.Feature: Using these smooth chrome covers that shroud the neck and extend down the frame, updating the look of your motorcycle.Easy to intall: Snap-on installation, not included Instructions.Warranty:XMMT store offer 24 hours customer service and 30 days warranty. If you meet any problem about installation and items, please feel free to contact us.
Fitment: This downtube covers is specifically designed for Harley Softail Model.Fits the following applications: Softail Twin Cam Models 2000-2006 Softail Springer Classic FLSTSC : 2007 Softail Springer CVO FXSTSSE : 2007 Softail Springer CVO FXSTSSE2 : 2008 Softail Springer CVO FXSTSSE3 : 2009 Softail Standard FXST : 2007–2015 Softail Blackline FXS : 2011–2013 Softail Breakout CVO FXSBSE : 2013–2014 Softail Convertible CVO FLSTSE : 2010 Softail Convertible CVO FLSTSE2 : 2011 Softail Convertible CVO FLSTSE3 : 2012 Softail Cross Bones FLSTSB : 2008–2011 Softail Custom FXSTC : 2007–2010 Softail Deluxe CVO FLSTNSE : 2015 Softail Deluxe FLSTN : 2007–2017 Softail Deuce FXSTD : 2007 Softail Fat Boy Anniversary FLSTF : 2013 Softail Fat Boy FLSTF : 2007–2017 Softail Fat Boy Lo Anniversary FLSTFB : 2013 Softail Fat Boy Lo FLSTFB : 2010–2016 Softail Fat Boy S FLSTFBS : 2016–2017 Softail Heritage Classic Anniversary FLSTC : 2013 Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC : 2007–2017 Softail Heritage FLST : 2008–2010 Softail Night Train FXSTB : 2007–2009 Softail Slim FLS : 2012–2017 Softail Slim S FLSS : 2016–2017

2024-11-26 11:26:24

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