해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Seepong 2 Pack Large Cargo Net for Trunk, RV, Boats Storage Mesh Pocket Net with 4 Mounting Screw and Builtin Hooks 18 x 9.8 inch

상품번호 B0979JSDK5
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Exterior Accessories
브랜드 Brand: TYMXGHF
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $14.95
상품가격 상세보기

【Quality Materials】LINGOL Car cargo net Made of high quality polyester nylon mesh, durable and practical to use, which is soft and it features the good breathability.【Add More More Storage Room】These stretchable storage nets are great way add storage or organize small items in your rv, boat, car, truck even in the house.【Easy to Install】Use the 8 PCS x (screws and mounts) supplied 4 corners loop fasteners for the secure attachment.【Great Value】 2 Pack (large size nets) x elastic pocket net | 8 Pcs x screws and 8 Pcs mounts (all mounting hardware included).【Multiple Functions】The storage pocket can hold your phone, cigarette, card, receipt, glasses and other small iteams to make your car neater.
Are you worried about the messy things in the car?Are you worried that the items in the car will be damaged due to the shaking of the car? The cargo net knows the right space saving accessories to keep your car organized and tidy from trash. Organize the clutter in your Car, RV, Home, Golf Cart with these [2 PACK] Large Sized Durable Mesh Net with 8 Mounting Screws Included for Secure Mounting Net on Walls, Plastic Panels, next to your recliner, which makes a great inexpensive way for additional storage room in your Car, RV storage accessories, Marine Craft, Utility Vehicles for Charts, Maps, Tablet, Electronics, bottles, sport equipment, groceries, shopping bags, etc.This is perfect gift ideas that are for Men or Women looking to keeping things tidy.

2024-06-03 06:46:06

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