해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Desert Bloom Cactus Flower | 1000 Piece Puzzle

상품번호 B097FF3WKK
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상품가격 $32.00
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1000 PIECE JIGSAW PUZZLE: This 1000-piece, ribbon random cut, jigsaw puzzle is 19.25” W x 26.625” H when assembled and includes two (2) reference art inserts.ARTIST DESIGNED: All of our puzzles originate from original works of art created by our extremely talented network of emerging and established artists.GLOBAL ARTIST COMMUNITY: Each puzzle purchase supports our global community of artists with a percentage of proceeds donated to art education and enrichment programs and initiatives.MADE IN THE U.S.A. Our puzzles are made from premium, sustainable materials including ESKA 100 percent recovered paper and vegetable-based soy inks.PRESS PAUSE: Our mission is to help people connect with art and with each other. A WerkShoppe puzzle is perfect for your next date night, lazy weekend, or any time you want to unplug and unwind, while still being mentally engaged.GIFT A PUZZLE: The perfect gift for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Housewarming, Teacher Appreciation and many other celebrations.NICE TO MEET YOU: Art brings us so much happiness and we hope we can share that love with you. If you have any question about our puzzles, please get in touch.
Like the landscape that inspired it, Desert Bloom is full of color and interesting shapes. Although many think of the desert as barren, this image pulls in all of the colors you might see there—in sunsets, starry skies, and wildlife—and injects them into one study of the humble cacti and their flowers. Art by WerkShoppe

2024-09-05 07:37:25

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