해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
18 AWG 2 Conductor Stranded Shielded Plenum Cable White CL3P Jacket for Security/Alarm/Access Control/Sound - 500 FT Spool

상품번호 B097Z3C293
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상품가격 $132.00
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2 STRANDED BARE COPPER CONDUCTORS: Stranded cables offer a variety of benefits when compared to solid wiring. The most notable is flexibility, which allows for easy installation and increased safety. The bare copper wire is used for grounding purposes for additional safety. This stranded cable has an outside diameter of .150”.UL-LISTED, ART 800 PLENUM: Plenum cable is run in the plenum spaces of buildings, which means it runs in the spaces typically used to wire heating and air conditioning systems. This flexible wiring is Underwriters Laboratories certified and abides by Article 800, which is a rating given by the NEC (National Electrical Code) that refers to building and quality standards relevant to wiring.CL3-RATED, SHIELD AND DRAIN WIRE: This 18 AWG 2 conductor cord has been given a CL3 rating, which refers to its in-wall classification. This wiring is rated for safe in-wall use and can support up to 300 volts. The UL-listed conduit or wiring shield is composed of an aluminum and polyester covering and includes a drain wire that completes the electrical circuit.POSSIBLE USES AND QUANTITY VARIATIONS: Typically, this 2-conductor wire is to be used by a certified electrician to wire air circulation and heating systems, but it also works as an in-wall speaker wire and for telecommunications tools. This braided electric wire comes in a 500-foot spool and a 1000-foot spool.CUSTOM CABLE CONNECTION QUALITY: Here at Custom Cable Connection, we are family owned and have been in business since 2002. We have made it our mission to provide high-quality audio, video, network, and RF cable assemblies as well as OEM products for our loyal customers. We manufacture in-house as often as possible with US-sourced products.
This shielded wire is a great home improvement tool to have on hand and is an electrician’s best friend. The encasement of this 2-conductor cable meets certification requirements, so you can be sure it’s safe. Plenum cable runs in the plenum spaces of buildings or, in other words, the spaces typically used to wire heating and air conditioning systems. These spaces often lie between the structural ceiling and suspended ceiling or sometimes under a raised floor. The foil shielding included in this cable offers an extra layer of protection for the person installing it and guards against shorts or environmental damage of the wires. For added safety and security, we also recommend using an electrical conduit, which is a tube used to route the electrical wiring through a building or structure. Our stranded plenum cable is CMP-certified, meaning that the white jacket is suitable for installation in air plenum spaces. Additionally, CMP certification signifies that the cable has been stringently burn tested. At Custom Cable Connection, we are dedicated to providing you with the best audio, video, network, and RF cables in the industry for the best price. We plan to expand our brand of AV products toward broadcast level video equipment as well as everyday AV cables. This 18 AWG 2 conductor cable, with its overall shield and drain, is perfect for most of your in-wall wiring needs. We provide a variety of quantities in this useful plenum cable, including a 500-foot spool and a 1000-foot spool. Custom Cable Connection is here for all your electrical and technical cable needs. Specifications: 2-stranded bare copper conductors CMP/FPLP white jacket and foil shield UL-listed, Article 800 Plenum Overall shield and drain Characteristic Impedance: 46.7 Ω (Nom.) Conductor Resistance: 16.90 Ohms/1000ft (Max.) @ 20°C Outer diameter is 0.150" 18 AWG braided cable Can support up to 300 volts

2025-01-07 18:30:53

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