해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
30 Pieces 12 Inch Acrylic Dowel Rods for DIY Crafts 0.25 Inch Diameter Acrylic Round Rods Acrylic Strip Sticks Cake Topper Rod for DIY Handwork Supplies (Clear,12 Inch)

상품번호 B097Z89YW3
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상품가격 $10.99
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Package includes: you will receive 30 pieces of dowel rods, amounts are enough to meet your daily or festival usages, also enough for you to share them with your friends or familiesSize information: each acrylic round rod measures about 0.6 cm/ 0.2 inch in diameter, suitable size for you to use it, the length depends on your choice, long enough to meet many people\'s needsReliable and long-lasting: these dowel rods are made of acrylic material, which is reliable, non-toxic, long-lasting, not easy to break or deform, safe to use, can serve you for a long timeMultiple usages: these rods suit for various DIY projects, for example, they can be suitable for stirring rod, cake stand, model stand, cake pole, crystal chandelier, constructionElegant and classic: the color of these acrylic lollipop sticks is for you to choose, simple but beautiful, you can use them to DIY lots of items, making these items more eye-catching; These cake topper rod sticks are good decoration, can add charms to your home
Features: Good gifts: These acrylic lollipop sticks can serve as gifts, you can give them to your friends or families on Independence Day, Mather\'s Day, Father\'s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving Day and other holidays. Suitable occasions: These cake topper rod sticks are suitable for birthday, wedding, bridal shower, baby showers, themed party, family activity, afternoon tea party, making these occasions more impressive. Specifications: Material: acrylic Color: as the picture shown Size: 0.6 cm/ 0.2 inch in diameter Package includes: 30 X Acrylic lollipop sticks Notes: Manual measurement, please allow slight errors on size. The color may exist slight difference due to different screen display.

2024-07-10 13:59:49

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