해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SEVEN SPARTA Bike Phone Mount Holder Motorcycle Phone Mount for Handlebar Accessories Compatible with iPhone 13 13 Pro Max 11, Galaxy and Other 4.7-6.8 Inches Cellphones (Black)

상품번호 B098336HV6
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상품가격 16.99
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STURDY & SAFE BIKE PHONE MOUNT: The bike phone mount holder is made of high-quality plastic with silicone pad on back and silicone buffer on 4 telescopic arms, it can grip 4 corners of your phone tightly to guarantees stability while cycling without worrying for dropping, no matter how rough the road is. Besides, the telescopic arm is extendable for easy put in or take out.COMPATIBLE WITH 4.7-6.8" PHONES: Extendable telescopic arm Compatible for smartphone 4.7-6.8" phones, Compatible with iPhone 14 Plus/ Pro/ Pro Max, 13 12 Mini/ Pro/ Pro Max, 11 Pro/ Pro Max/XS/X/8/8 Plus/7/7 Plus Samsung S21/Note 20/S20/Note 10/Note 10 Plus/S10/S10E, Galaxy S10 + S10e, etc.FIT DIAMETER BETWEEN 15-32 MM: Each set includes 3 soft rubber pads to achieve anti-slip, firm & scratch-free effect and for compatible with different bicycles, motorcycles, even strollers with diameter between 15-32 mm (5/8 - 1 1/4 inches).INNOVATIVE EASY INSTALLATION DESIGN: 30 seconds easy and quick to install without tools. Step 1, turn the buckle, fixing the ring and snap into the handlebar; Step 2, put on the phone in the holder and press the lock button; 3, Adjust the holder to the best view angle.ADJUSTABLE ROTATING BALL: The new phone holder for bike and motorcycle with rotating joint ball allow the bike phone mount to be 360-degree swivel, meet your requirements for any angle, no worry for phone sag or shake while riding due to the loose rotating ball.

2024-11-28 04:43:03

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